On Sunday night #2 went to bed declaring that he needed a break from school and wasn't going to go the next morning, so I had no sympathy for him Monday morn when he woke up and said that his tummy hurt.
In fact I think my exact words were "Yeah, right. Get dressed."
We pulled into the school parking lot and he asked for a bag to barf in. I called his bluff and tossed one back to him. "Go ahead", I said over my shoulder.
Then I looked in the rear view mirror.
And noticed his face was flushed.
Very, very flushed.
And he was gagging.
When we got home a few minutes later, he ran into the house, and threw up.
6 times.
It was a loooooooonnnnnggg day for me.
Maybe I should believe him when he says stuff like that?
Thursday night at dinner, while she was prancing around, spinning, dancing and singing, Maeve calls out "My tummy hurts".
She then downed most of her dinner, and some whip cream off her pie.
She continued to complain as I made her clean up, and I dismissed it as a convenient stomach ache. You know, the kind that that you get when you don't want to do something?
I used to get them all the time.
Especially right after dinner when my sister and I had to clear the table and do the dishes. I would skip off to the bathroom, and see how long it would be before she realized she was doing all the work, and come pounding down the hallway yelling at me.
We loaded all the kids in the car and headed home. 2 blocks before we turned into the driveway, I heard the dreaded splash.
And then smelled it.
I pulled over, and frantically looked for something to catch whatever was still going to come out.
The hubs, out of instinct, put his hand out to catch it.
*Which by the way, he now regrets that choice*
We drove home windows down, and the rest of the kids gagging.
Guess I should have believed that one too!
I wonder how long its going to take me to start catching on to this "My tummy hurts" thing....