So I passed the 6 month mark. Its been fun. Real fun. Can you feel the sarcasm?
I have insomnia, the inability to ever stop peeing, and 4 more months to go. Really? Yeah, really.
Baby seems to be fine. Active, kicking, playing, having a grand ol' time. Sometimes I can see it moving from the outside, and when it feels like co-operating, it will give Rich a kick on the hand too.
Cannon still wants a boy. Brynn wants another girl. I just want to be done....and I have 4 more months to go...
On the bright side though - not sleeping at night is sure going to be a lot more fun when I have something precious to stare at during the long hours of night. I really am excited to hold this baby, this final one. I can't wait to see what he/she looks like (after the squishy-ness of delivery is gone). I can't wait to smell (yeah, its weird I know, but I have a sensitive sniffer) his/her hair, and can't wait to watch the little one slip into a milk coma with that one line of milky drool after a serious nursing session. I am excited to see this one join our family, see how its brother and sisters react. I am waiting for that feeling of "what was it like before this child?". It really is closer than I think...
In the meantime, Rich and I are really trying to find a name for this one. It's a hard task, and for some reason, it hasn't been easy this time like the others. We can't seem to find "the perfect name". And because of this (and only this).....I am happy to have 4 more months.
The Thorn
7 years ago
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