Well kids, its almost over!
Brynn starts first grade in one week from today, and I am already sad. I have immensely enjoyed having her home, and I can say that without an ounce of sarcasm. So far I have not experienced the "I can't wait until school starts so that you and your siblings will stop fighting" phenomenon. I don't doubt that I will eventually, but it certainly didn't happen this summer.
We have had an amazing summer. The weather hasn't been too hot, but no one is complaining in this house. We managed to squeeze swim lessons, annual doctor appointments and shots, 3 camping trips, family camp, an ear piercing, annual photo shoot, multiple play dates, tons of BBQ's with friends, birthday parties, VBS, day trips and many pajama mornings into the summer.
At the start of the summer, Maeve moved into the kids room, and I struggled with how to get her to nap and deal with quiet time for the other two, and in the mean time, make everyone happy with story time, and time with mom. I finally figured out a routine that works well for all. Maeve now goes down after a story or two with just myself and her, and then the older two kids and I sit and read on the couch while waiting for Maeve to fall asleep. We managed to read through the first two books in the "Little House on the Prairie" series. The questions and conversations that they sparked were priceless! Questions about settler family life, covered wagons, prairie times, prejudice against Indians, etc, have been challenging for me to answer, but I wouldn't trade the time for anything!
So, fall brings the rhythm of schedule once again to our life, and although I usually look forward to it, this summer I am having a hard time letting go of the freedom of summer. The fall will bring the newness of 1st grade ("mmmoooooommmm - did you know first grade is 7 hours a day????!!?), Cannon in preschool twice a week ("mommy, uhm, mommy, uhm. Do they have cars there? Do you think I can play with the cars at preschool?"), some one-on-one time between me and Maeve, and the birth of our 4th child. This pregnancy is chugging right along. I am now in the 3rd trimester...officially! Baby moves all the time, and Brynn got to feel it a few mornings ago. She now sits and talks to my belly, telling the baby to come out a girl....and in the background Cannon is wailing about the fact that he wants a brother....oh boy. Lots of new things....lots of changes.
So, in the meantime, (the next 6 days, 14 hours, 35 minutes and 15 seconds), I plan to really enjoy every moment of my precious family time! I plan to enjoy the chatter of the girls as they play with play dough at the counter, and the amazing sound effects that my boy makes as he crashes cars into walls, the sighing of the dog as he tries to escape the chaos that the kids bring, and the comforting sound of my hubby's work van as it pulls up after a long day of work. I am so incredibly blessed!
The Thorn
7 years ago
I love this. Especially the last paragraph--beautiful. :)
I have literally no idea why, but I am crying. I don't even do that. I don't cry. And, when I read the last paragraph I started crying. So, THANKS A LOT. Why am I crying? Is that creepy?
Oh Les! I miss you!!!!
I'm so glad you are reading the Little House On the Prairie books with them! It makes me happy just thinking about long ago bonding with you over our shared love of those (and so many other books)... and now you are passing it on to your adorbs little ones! So great!
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