So this morning I was starting to try to remember what I felt like before Maeve was born. I never keep journals, or record of what is going on in life, but I do blog, so I went back and read some of my previous posts.
When I came home from my doc appt on Monday, I was getting my hopes up because I thought that I had never dilated before my due date. Apparently I was wrong. Disappointment #1.
Then, I googled some pre-labor signs to see if I was having any. Not to be gross, but after she checked me on Monday, I had some (turn your head if you are weak in the stomach) bloody show - gag - and I didn't remember having that before. Well, according to the websites that I looked at bloody show indicates that labor is hours, days, or weeks.
Are you kidding me? What kind of time frame is that? Hours, days or weeks? Whatever. Disappointment #2.
No contractions what-so-ever. Disappointment #3.
Getting uncomfortable. Disappointment #4.
My next appt is Tuesday, and I am really, really, really, really hoping to have progressed a bit. If not, I know - after reading my other posts - that it would be normal for me, and I can try to brace myself again for the long haul, and the likely hood that I will be induced. If induction is even in the option list, I think that I will go for it sooner than later. I am ready to jump into the next stage of this "mothering" thing. The baby part.....
The Thorn
7 years ago
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