It's really all he thinks about...
The good news was there were TONS and TONS of ideas on the interweb.
The bad news was that you can't find a Lego Ninjago set ANYWHERE in our county. No joke. The closest store that sold anything remotely affordable was 30 minutes away. And that nugget of info came from the Lego rep himself. Ugh.
My original plan for the party was to have it on a Saturday, but the devastating news that the cousins would not be able to come changed the party to a Thursday night. Random, but whatever. Plan A involved me putting up some decorations, and the hubs doing some sort of ninja training course. When we realized that I, er uhm, scheduled the party before he got off work, we moved on to Plan B which was renting a jumpy. Then, we had to move on to Plan C when we realized that it was going to rain all day. Plan C was "have no plan, cross your fingers, and hope that 37 people could find breathing room in our smallish house."
It worked fine.
I got the requested chocolate and mint chip ice cream cake made and decorated, the party decorations up, the food prepped, and Cannon had a blast.
The kids made their own ninja headbands, practiced throwing ninja stars, guessed how many Lego's were in the jar, and played with all things Lego.
We ate ninja dogs (hot dogs), fruit salad, bell peppers, and blue "jay-llo" (because the blue ninja is named Jay...get it???), and ninja powered water.
I sent the kids home with a container of fortune cookies, and a ninjago zipper pull. It was a bit pathetic of a goody bag, but I'm betting parents were happy that it wasn't full of junk right?
Cannon was sweaty and hot, and our house smelled faintly of sticky little kids for a few days afterwards. He scored on the Lego stuff, and has been puttering away ever since putting together sets. Actually, we both have. (Don't say anything, but I'm pretty darn good at putting them together, and I actually secretly enjoy it...)
We celebrated his "real" birthday in style. He chose cinnamon rolls (I did them in the waffle maker....yummo!), and breakfast burritos "with NO POTATOES MOM!".
He had a tball game in the afternoon, and I attempted (and failed) to make ninja cupcakes for the team.
He would say this was his best birthday yet....I think he says that every year.
Happy Birthday to my buddy! You are a pretty darn good conversationalist to anyone you meet (uhm hello...working on stranger danger), and we are blessed to have spent the last 6 years getting to know you better! Thanks for the all the hours of talking and the hours of putting Lego sets together. Thank you for the sweet and random "I love you Mom", and the impulsive hugs that have taken me by surprise...but in a good way.
I love you bud!
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