Friday, September 22, 2006

The Journey Begins

My four month old son is laying on his tummy, staring at me with pleading eyes, while his 2 year old sister dances around close, (too close) playing her newly aquired harmonica. The dog is barking, the phone is ringing, my laundry needs folding, and I am sitting at the computer. I have decided to blog! My sister in law convinced me to do this, so thanks to her, I am here. I can make no promise that it will be an everyday thing, but I will try to do a weekly update. There are currently 4 humans living in our house, but the dog counts as a member of the family, hence - Family of 5. This should be fun.

1 comment:

Carlos!! said...

WOW... if your a family of five, then what am I??? Family of 11:)