Sunday, January 30, 2011

A little trip down memory lane.....

Last time Brynn had pneumonia, I got the stomach flu. I also got a positive pregnancy test. The dog also had an ear infection that required a middle of the night visit to the emergency vet. I had to give drops to the dog, pills to the dog, meds to the kid, not poop my pants (sorry - tmi), and keep my sanity.

This round of sickness has been much easier....much, much easier....

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hello antibiotics.....

...goodbye pneumonia.

Remember that fever from last Saturday? Well it lingered....and lingered...and lingered. Brynn has been a champ, but after day 6 of high fevers (101 - 103), a cough that is literally driving me crazy, and the most extreme nap schedule she has ever had, I finally called the doc.

We had a 4pm appt, got seen right away, and had chest x-rays done before 5pm. He read the xrays 5 minutes later, and confirmed what he thought he had heard in her tiny little chest. The bottom lobe of the left lung had basically sucked in on itself and was full of infected mucus.....gag.

I won't say that I thought she was faking it...cause someday she might read this and realize what a rotten, non-sympathetic mommy I really am, but I didn't start to suspect pneumonia until day 5 of the fevers. I did think she was exaggerating the coughing, so I should probably apologize for that.....

We now have 80 little white pills that she has to chew up for the next 10 days to help her little body get better. Yes, 80. She opted for the pills to chew, because last year when she had pneumonia she hated the bubble gum flavor of the liquid. I hope that she can make it through eating these horse pills without too much complaint.

She has missed a full week of school, and I have to say, I don't think she minds a bit. We are trying to stay caught up on her school work, but between a certain little man who is nursing every two hours again around the clock, a certain daring, and unbelievably clumsy 2 year old whose favorite activity is jumping from the coffee table to the couch, and a certain overly dramatic, highly emotional 4 year old who is constantly experiencing "the worst day of his entire life" when things don't go his way, I have found it hard to sit down and really focus on makeup work with Brynn.

I don't remember signing up for all this....

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sweet Sleep

Guess who got a solid 8 hours of sleep last night?
Let me define "solid"...
1. No getting up to pee
2. No tossing and turning to find a comfy position
3. No children crying out
4. No nursing


Nolan let me sleep from 11 pm till 7 am. The kids all slept like angels. Rich wasn't on call. It was a PERFECT night. The kind of night I don't get very often....

And, might I add, it was the first solid eight hours in 11 months. Yep, 11. That is almost a year. One month shy to be exact.....

It TOTALLY makes up for the face that Nolan has been on a every 2 hour feeding spree yesterday and today. I can survive that...cause I got some gooooooood sleep!

I won't even expect that tonight though....for three reasons. #1 - I think last night was a fluke due to a seriously tired baby who had refused naps all day, and insisted on nursing every 2 hours all. day. long. #2 - My eldest has a fever that no doubt will call for a midnight dose of ibuprofen, and a restless night of sleep for her (and me). #3 - Hubby is on call tonight...means late night phone calls, and no guarantee that his warm body will be in bed to snuggle against.


Friday, January 14, 2011

2 months...

Ok, so please excuse the lack of posting...and lack of pictures.
The good news is that I got a laptop.
The bad news is that I still can't figure all the aspects of it out yet.
Bottom line...I am lame.

Nolan is 2 months, and we are settling in nicely. He is still the most demanding baby EVER, but smiling at us now to make up for it. He basically loves to be held, and if he isn't being held, carried, etc, he is crying, nursing or sleeping. Its a bit rough and I haven't figured out how to get all my stuff done around the house yet while also meeting his needs. We have managed to move him out of our room and into his own bed, so he is giving us a break in that aspect.
He just had a doctors appointment and weighs in at a whopping 12 lbs. He is in the 50th percentile for height and weight, and following the curve.
He is a chunk of love.
At his appointment he also got his first round of vaccines. I learned my lesson early (with Brynn) and I don't go alone to the 2 month appointments. Rich has to do the shots with the babies. I can't take it. Its like their first real pain, and I cry to easily about that. I can handle all the rest, just not the first set....
I am able to breathe a sigh of relief knowing that he is on his way to being protected from all those horrible diseases. Maybe I can be a little bit less of a freak now with the other kids...(insert the constantly nagging mom who requires her children to use gallons of hand sanitizer, wash hands the moment they walk in the door, and for goodness sakes, don't touch the baby's hands.....) Sigh.
I will hopefully get some pictures loaded up soon...hopefully. After I do the dishes, vacuum, fold the laundry, and make dinner - all while holding a 12 lb chunk in my aching arms. Wish me luck!

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Name Change

Happy New Years!

Hmmmm. Now that things have *semi* slowed down, I have to start thinking about a name change for the ol' blog.....

I really need to put some thought into this, and my brain has turned to mush and is currently leaking out of my ears due to hormones, lack of sleep, and the fact that the baby nurses 16 hours a day....

It's a good thing he is cute.