Monday, April 28, 2014

New Puppy

Knowing that Treks is getting older and older, we have been looking for another dog.  I can't imagine life in our house without the clickity clack of nails on our floor, or the tails wagging and knocking things over, being constantly followed throughout the house, the piles of dog hair when I sweep, or the warm furry bodies laying at my feet. A dog is just part of who we are! 
We met this girl in March, through a rescue group.  She was skinny, and mangy looking, and came with a puppy that maybe wasn't hers.  She was scared of everyone, and scarred from someone beating her.  
And because of all that, we decided to try her out.  
Yep.  A broken, beaten, teenage mom. 
She's a mutt.  Chocolate lab, pitt, spaniel mix (says the dog trainer that I had come over and help me with some of her behavior issues.) We quickly learned that a rescue dog comes with a whole different set of rules when it comes to discipline.  She's fearful and submissive and we are working on getting her confident and less scared that she will be shuffled around or beat again.  (I know, I know, she's just a dog.....) 
She's still a puppy, and we have had our fair share of destroyed stuff.  Lots and lots and lots of destroyed stuff. Many shoes, quite a few stuffed animals, some clothing, two insulated panels from the garage door, and other miscellanous items.  

Treks has accepted her as one of the family.  He's the boss, but they hang out like old friends.  Occasionally I have seen them playing....which is hard for his old man hips to do.
Welcome to the family Lily!!!

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