Monday, January 05, 2015

Furniture Fun

I finally, finally, finally finished off the desk that I got for my birthday a few years ago. 
Rich and I found it at a thrift store, and I asked for it and he got it for me.  Its a fold down secretary, and its now been sitting in my garage for almost 2 years waiting for my attention. 
I struggled with picking a color to paint it. I struggled with commitment to what exactly I wanted to do with it, and he struggled with it just sitting in the garage for so long.
So one day I just did it.
Picked a color we had in the paint bin, sanded the heck out of it, and started.
Hey, its only paint right?

I really love the way that it turned out. I love the time working with my hands. I love the smell of paint, and seeing the immediate change as it goes on.  And he loved that it was finally going to go in the house where it belonged.

So then he gave me the go ahead to do a couple more peices of furniture.  I've had a little luck buying and repurposing and selling on Craigslist, and I really enjoy the work.
Unfortunately our garage now looks like a furniture store....but hopefully as they sell the extra money will make it all worth it. {as he's gritting his teeth}

I'm still working on a few peices.  And I need to stop collecting...cause it's a little addicting...

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