Saturday, April 25, 2015

Outdoor Ed with Brynn

Well. I went off to Outdoor Ed for the week. I'm not sure if I was more scared of being the "responsible adult in charge" at camp, or leaving Rich as the "responsible adult in charge" at home while I'm at camp with no cell service.

The days were full.  They scheduled the kids almost the entire day with hikes, classes, tab time, and meals.  We had a tiny bit of free time, but not much.  I really enjoyed my quiet time in the mornings.  Getting up early and reading the bible in the middle of the redwoods with a cup of hot coffee was pretty much the perfect way to start a day for me.

 Meal times were loud, but we always had fun.

The speaker for tabernacle time was an illusionist.  He was pretty amazing, and had us all totally stumped.  I loved how he wove the gospel into his illusions and told the kids how much God loved them. 

 There were 3 classes a day, and each one involved some sort of hike and outdoor activity.  I thought this was going to be the hardest part, but it was actually very fun.  The beauty of the redwoods made each class so much better!

 (Yes...I *might* have been hugging a tree there....)

On one of the hikes, the kids had a chance to become part of the "Banana Slug Club" by having a banana slug hang out on their nose for 10 seconds. 
 We had the chance to do one of the obstacle courses too.  What a blast! It was called the Pinata, and everyone...including me...loved it!

The girls wrote me thank you notes when we got back.  Some of them made me laugh!
So thankful for the opportunity to share these things with my kids!

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