Friday, June 03, 2016

End of the Year Fun

We are wrapping up the school year.  Lots of fun activities, and a lot bittersweet for me.  This has felt like my golden year.  I had all 4 kids in school, at the same school, and they all had time together everyday throughout all their classes.  It just feels super sweet. 
Next year will be different, but I'm sure will have it's benefits.

Anyways, it feels like we barely always "just survive" the last two weeks of school.
 The freezer broke down...which is fun.  Gave Cannon and Rich and Papa John the chance to tinker with it.

 Rocket launch at school.  Papa John showed up and helped make sure that all the kids launches were successful.

 My last two weeks of packing lunch. Until next year.  But whatever.

 Crazy hair day at school....
 The 6th graders got to go all by themselves to Six Flags.  It was a great chance for them to practice some responsibility as they had time by themselves through the park.
 And then there was the end of the year spring program.  Always very cute!

The Handbell Choir posing for their last pic of the year....

 Graduating 6th Grade class of girls. 
 Nolan passed Kindegarten!!! Yay!

I've got my movie star glasses on in case I get a case of the "feels" and cry as my oldest graduates 6th grade.

Never a pic with everyone smiling.
 And then this guy comes home with us for the summer. Praying he stays alive.

 All ready for the water gun extravaganza. 
 Last day of school pic.  I love these kids.  Seriously.

I took this pic on the day before graduation.  I was standing outside waiting to get the kids this one last time.  I hear singing from inside. They are practicing for graduation, and I'm almost in tears.  All four of my kids had this one sweet year together.  So grateful.

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