We got home from camping on Sunday, and found out that my grandma had passed away suddenly. It was a pretty sad day for the entire family. My grandmother was a big part of all of our lives, and the kids had the incredible opportunity to get to know her as well. I have so many great memories of her. I love lists, so here is a list of some good memories.
1. When I was little, she gave me a little wallet with money in it to take to Toy R Us. I lost my wallet and was devastated. She gave me a hug, and a small lecture, and then let me buy what I wanted with some money from her purse.
2. She made the yummiest raspberry pies, and raspberry juice.
3. She helped me clean and move my room around one time, and showed me how to wash the floor because "it was the only way to get it really clean..."
4. She happened to be at my house one day when I came home from the dentist. I had just found out that I was going to need a root canal, and I was crying. She hugged me really tight, and cried with me, because she didn't like the dentist either.
5. She loved my husband and told me that it was ok to marry him.
6. She hugged me and told me it was ok to be scared to having a baby. God makes pregnancy last 9 months so we could get used to the idea and be ready.
7. She sat in the waiting room fretting while I was in labor with my first baby. When Brynn finally arrived, so was almost more worn out than me.
8. She got down on the floor and played with my kids. They loved it, and so did I!
9. She loved to "broom"
10. She showed up to every family function armed with some homemade treat or dessert, even when we told her not to!
11. She tried to pick a fight with me about rules at the condo we were staying at in Hawaii. (I think she was tired of us always making a mess...)
12. She chose to ride with us on the road to Hana, and enjoyed every minute of scenery.
13. She told me on the phone 3 weeks ago that when I was her age, hopefully I would know as much as she did....I hope I do!
I really will miss her. I don't have any regrets though. We have shared dinner together almost every Thursday night for the past 5 years. We have vacationed together, and spent a good deal of time together. She picked fights with me, and I picked fights with her. (Not many people can say that!) She made me laugh and she made me cry. She was an amazing wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. She loved to garden, and always had beautiful flowers and bountiful produce as a result. She taught me the benefit of hard work. She was willing to help out in any way possible. She took advantage of the twists and turns of life and used them how ever she could. She was involved in church ministries, senior groups, and other activities.
I will definitely miss her. I will miss her outspoken opinions. I will miss her presence at the dinner table. I will miss her homemade goodies. My kids will miss the quarters that she always had for them. I will miss the way that she said "oh Angie" when she disapproved of something I said or did. I will probably even tear up the next time we are at the grocery store and Cannon calls another older, white haired lady 'Omi'.
Thanks Omi for having arms to hug me, food to feed me, and time to talk when I needed it. Thanks for being my grandma.
The Thorn
7 years ago
Ang, that was such a beautiful tribute to your grandma. She will definitly be missed. I always loved all her stories that she liked to tell. I still remember how worried she looked when I came out to tell everyone to pray for you when you were no longer going to be able to get an epideral. I could see it in her face how much she wished you were not in pain. You are so blessed to have had her as your grandma and she was blessed to have you as her granddaughter.
Ohh, Angie I am so sorry for your loss. I love your list and I am sure Omi would love it too.
Angie, I'm so sorry. Your Omi sounds like she was a truly lovely woman.
Gosh- make me tear up, why don't you! I've been wanting to post something about Grandma, but now you have outdone me. That was so sweet to read and such great memories. Thanks for writing it. : )
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