Meet Nuggie...

He is just your average snugly lovey that Cannon has had since birth. Actually, to be quite honest, this is Nuggie #2. Nuggie #1 lasted less than 2 years of intense cuddling. Nuggie has silk pads on his "feet" that Cannon rubs as he falls asleep. He can't sleep without him, and loves him dearly.

We were walking home from bible study a week ago, and Rich brought up some wild animals that we would see if we went to the zoo. (Good one Rich. First of all, its dark, and we are walking home with a few children who have super active imaginations. Second of all, now we have to go to the zoo....) He talked about lions, tigers, and bears (oh my), hippos (huh?), elephants, etc. He talked about how if you saw those animals at the zoo, it was safe to walk around and look at them since they were behind cages. Then, being safety dad that he is, he also discussed that if you saw those animals out wandering on the streets (again - good one dad) that you should stay away cause they are not nice and can be dangerous.
There was a bit of silence, as my children pondered being mauled by wild animals, then I hear my precious little boy's voice pipe up....
"But daddy, nuggies are nice..."
Meet Monkey

Monkey is a gift that Maeve gave to Cannon when she was born. Monkey is the newest member of the "animals that sleep on the bed every night" family.
Rich was on you tube looking up videos of all the animals that we would see if we went to the zoo. (OK its like we are horrible parents if we don't take these kids to the zoo sometime soon!) We looked up videos of lions, sharks, hippos and monkeys. The kids were amazed. Cannon took particular interest to the monkey clips. He watched them, and then went racing off to the room to find something. He came back dragging monkey out of his bed shouting....
"Look daddy! I have one! I have one too!!!"
OK, fine - we will go to the zoo!