Monday, June 27, 2011

Fathers Day 2011

The kids excitement for Fathers Day this year made the day for Rich. He was appreciative of all the little things that we did for him, and I think it was his favorite one yet.
Our day "all about Dad" included

Gifts in the morning,
Doughnuts for breakfast,
Church with the family,
A surprise bike ride for Rich and his brother,
BBQ pizza dinner with the extended family,
and time spent enjoying and honoring the dads.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Q & A

Today's Question:
How does one get bicycle chain grease off the body of a 3 year old?

Hot water, rough washcloth, entire bar of soap, and a lot of hard scrubbing.

Monday, June 20, 2011

7 Months

We have made it 7 months.
I feel like I should get an award.

He still prefers my arms to the floor.
He eats baby food and rice cereal or oatmeal at lunch and dinner now, but somehow that hasn't given me much of a break with nursing....not sure how that is happening.
He goes to bed around 8:30pm, but then is up again around 12am, and then again at 4am.
And then the other kids are getting up at 6am....cause its summer and it makes a TON of sense to be up early when we DON'T have to be at school.

Nolan isn't crawling yet, but does manage to roll his way into some funny places. He sits fine by himself, and does enjoy emptying out his toy basket in his room.

He always has a smile for me. Rich is really convinced that he says "mama", and I want to believe its true, but I know that its probably not, considering he says "mamamamama" all the time.

Thank goodness that I love this little one to pieces!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

First Injury of the Summer

Cannon on the swing + Maeve not paying attention + Tile patio = Split lip, chipped tooth, bruised chin and a whole lot of blood.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


I heard two little feet running down the hall.
They stopped outside of the door to the bedroom.
I looked up and a little hand was holding out a flower for me.
"For you Mommy" she said.
Then she ran outside again.

A few minutes late I heard her running back again.
She had another one for me, along with a little cheeky smile.
"Here's another one Mommy".

A minute later she was back.
One more flower in her hand.
"I love you Mommy."

Oh sweet Maeve....I love you too!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Swim Lessons

Well hello summer!
Its nice to see you again...finally!
I am glad that you showed up this week.
Just in time for swim lessons!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Things That Make Me Smile

Chubby baby hands.....
Goggles in the bathtub....
Kids falling asleep during car rides....

Daddy dates....
Naked buns after pool time....

Friday, June 10, 2011

Sleepy Girl

Maeve is one of the most dramatic, daring, crazy kids that I have. She pushes the limits, and is the one who is constantly jumping off of furniture, dressing up in absurd outfits, and getting her way by flashing her little impish grin. She is also the only one of my children that will find a sunny spot in the house and fall asleep if she is tired. I found her in the rocker in Nolan's room the other day. Such a sweet squishy face when she is sleeping!

Friday, June 03, 2011

The "Not-So-Great" Start of Summer

Round 2 of the 5 day stomach flu is in full swing at our place. Cannon is the lucky winner this time. So far his bedding, clothing, and almost all things fabric (towels, robe, rug, shower curtain) in my bathroom have been casualties of today. My washer has been spinning non stop, my dryer too. I am sick of this stupid flu.

It has put a huge damper on all of our planned weekend activities! I had the kids annual photo appointment scheduled for this morning, (Cannon would have puked all over the backdrop), and we will be missing his preschool graduation tonight. I am more sad about this than he is. I was really looking forward to it, but I am sure that no one wants us there.
We have (or should I say "had") a wedding on the books for tomorrow that is looking like we won't be there, and a birthday party on Sunday that is also fading from reality.

Brynn's last day of school was yesterday. I imagined myself greeting her with flowers, a big hug, and maybe even taking the kids out to get a yummy cupcake or treat. Instead I was late picking her up, had to park super far away, run to get her, throw her in the car, and race home for fear that Cannon would get sick in the car. It was not the happy day that I had imagined.

My hubby sent me out of the house for a bit and I went to Target to buy fun things like diapers, and rice cereal and an electric pencil sharpener. I found out that sharpening pencils was actually pretty therapeutic to my frayed nerves, and was happy with my purchase until it broke halfway through my obsessive sharpening of the kids color pencil bucket. *sigh*

Pity party at my place....

PS - Antibiotics and Nolan's tummy are not mixing well. Poopy diapers and fussy baby. 'Nuff said.