Round 2 of the 5 day stomach flu is in full swing at our place. Cannon is the lucky winner this time. So far his bedding, clothing, and almost all things fabric (towels, robe, rug, shower curtain) in my bathroom have been casualties of today. My washer has been spinning non stop, my dryer too. I am sick of this stupid flu.
It has put a huge damper on all of our planned weekend activities! I had the kids annual photo appointment scheduled for this morning, (Cannon would have puked all over the backdrop), and we will be missing his preschool graduation tonight. I am more sad about this than he is. I was really looking forward to it, but I am sure that no one wants us there.
We have (or should I say "had") a wedding on the books for tomorrow that is looking like we won't be there, and a birthday party on Sunday that is also fading from reality.
Brynn's last day of school was yesterday. I imagined myself greeting her with flowers, a big hug, and maybe even taking the kids out to get a yummy cupcake or treat. Instead I was late picking her up, had to park super far away, run to get her, throw her in the car, and race home for fear that Cannon would get sick in the car. It was not the happy day that I had imagined.
My hubby sent me out of the house for a bit and I went to Target to buy fun things like diapers, and rice cereal and an electric pencil sharpener. I found out that sharpening pencils was actually pretty therapeutic to my frayed nerves, and was happy with my purchase until it broke halfway through my obsessive sharpening of the kids color pencil bucket. *sigh*
Pity party at my place....
PS - Antibiotics and Nolan's tummy are not mixing well. Poopy diapers and fussy baby. 'Nuff said.
The Thorn
7 years ago
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