Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentines Day

Here's a summary of our Vday.
French Bread Casserole (sooooo yummy) for breakfast.
A few little gifts for the kiddos.
A little gift for the hubs.
A little gift from the hubs.
A day of heart themed food.
A day of errands for me (and a semi "day off" since I didn't have to work in the classrooms as well).
A few class parties where the kids handed out the Valentines that I made. (yes, me. not them, me. - thank you pinterest for a candy free idea!!!)
A yummy (and early dinner) for the kiddos, followed by an early bedtime.
And then....
An amazing candlelit dinner for me and the hubs courtesy of Trader Joe's.
And last but not least, another amazing memory to tuck away and cherish for years to come.

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