Sunday, September 01, 2013

Christi + Dustin

It was an absolute honor to help my sister work on her wedding.
I had fun.
A lot more fun then I thought I would....

We had 41 days to plan, prepare for, and execute a wedding....and we did it!

She wanted country. Not "yee-haw" country, but "I lived in an orchard, and I love my down home roots" country.
I'm told the official theme was "Rustic Chic".
I just think it was cute.

The Invites


The Projects:





The handmade signs:


 ....and the bazillion mason jars that I washed.....


The large pile of wedding stuff that was stored in my garage as I worked on project after project after project:

After all the hard work, we got to set up.
And it was so. much. fun.
And I am SO thankful for the friends that came and helped!!!




And my gel manicure held up very well, thank you.

After we got the whole reception area set up, we headed over to the church to finish up there.
(By the way - this is the cutest. church. ever.)
 (photo courtesy of Kandid Joy Photography)


 The Programs...which were a source of entertainment for many:

Our bouquets:

After all the work, all the food at the reception dinner, and all the (no) sleep that we got, the big day arrived.
My sis was glowing,  and excited.

And I have no more pictures...because I stood next to her up on that stage, and watched her emotionally commit herself to her groom.
And it was a good day.
And I'm thankful she let me be part of it.

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