Please, please, please can I go back to Monterey???? I woke up this morning at 7 am to the pitter patter of little feet in the carpet next to me. I opened my eyes to a little face staring at me, about 3 inches from my nose. She was cute, but had some pretty rank morning breath. I had to get showered, and dressed, milk sippy's full and "heated up in the microwave", suitcases and travel bags unpacked, and breakfast made before 9am. I also had to make up a shopping list, and figure out what this weeks meal plan will be. Got the kids loaded in the car, backed out of the driveway, and headed off to the store. 2 minutes later, I rear ended someone at the stoplight....
Between my tears, and Brynn asking me why I crashed into that man, I managed to forget to get all of his info, but gave him practically every piece of info about me minus my SSN. When I realized that, I cried some more, and headed off to the grocery store.
My grocery bill was outrageous (we are talking 2x as much as normal). I purposely waited until I was in control of my emotions to call Rich and tell him what happened, but apparently I should have waited a little bit longer. The minute I heard his voice, I started to cry again. I got home, called my sister in law to ask her some insurance questions, and she had to sit patiently while I cried through another phone call. Needless to say, my eyes are still puffy and swollen and its been about 4 hours since I cried last.
Here is the dumb part. Our car, doesn't have a scratch on it, and I don't even know if the other guy is going to do anything, since it was a company vehicle. We are talking minor accident here....
Please, please, please can I go back on vacation and just float in a heated pool for a few more days? I guess that I will just have to be happy with eating a bowl of generic cookie dough ice cream, settling down with my library book, and climbing back into my unmade bed.
The Thorn
7 years ago