Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Great Stomach Flu of '13

I'm gonna go get some shirts printed with
"We survived the stomach flu" when this whole hideous episode is over. That is...we can leave our house with out the notorious green bucket, or changes of clothes for the inevitable diaper blowout....

Or maybe one of those cute fabric banners and hang it from our garage???

This has been utter madness.

Maeve must have picked something up at church, because she announced Tuesday night that her tummy hurt.  I saw the look in her eyes, and ran her to the trash can.  She spent the next 6 hours puking, and was slightly better the next day.  48 hours later, *BOOM* I'm heaving in the bathroom, and Nolan follows suit.  Just when I can see straight, and not get queasy at the thought of food, Brynn starts talking about her tummy ache....followed by the hubs moaning, groaning, and puking.  He got hit with a double whammy, pretty decent cold - topped with the stomach flu. 


So at the point of me writing this, I have been up for 36 hours straight, because while she's the oldest, and does best with the bowl, she also is one of those kids that pukes every 5 min....for a really, really, really, really long time.  And moans and groans. 
And I get it. 
The belly ache hurts, I know.
I had it.
I hear ya kid.
But my sanity level is a little off right now, as I distinctly remember making faces at myself in the reflection of the kitchen window at 3:34am when I dumped the bowl out for the 72nd time.  No joke.  And that was just 3:34.  The face I made at myself at 4:50 was pretty funny too....

So the final standing member of the family at this point is Cannon.  Hopefully his fall (because we all know he is going to do it) will be over quickly!

In the meantime...the next couple hours that I hopefully am not cleaning up barf (even though as I write this, Brynn is sleeping with her head in the bowl), I will try to remember all the stuff I'm grateful about.  That I got it near the start so that I could help take care of the others without the extreme anxiety of catching it when I'm needed most. That Rich was home the day that I needed to recoup so he could make sure Nolan didn't burn the house down. That my food bill will be really low this month, cause even after its all gone, the appetite doesn't come back that quickly...

Always a bright side.

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