Saturday, September 08, 2007


So even after our last trip, we decided to give camping another try. We packed up 400 pounds of kid gear, food and camping necessities, and headed up to Gualala River Redwoods Campgrounds. We had been there last year, but I forgot how cold it could be. The campground is in the middle of a valley of huge redwoods, about a mile from the coast, and is bordered by the Gualala River. It is amazing, but chilly most of the time. (1 sweatshirt, and some flip-flops just doesn't cut it...)
Our camping group consisted of us and our home team - a group of great friends who we have shared our Wednesday nights with for the last 5 years. The group has grown exponentially since the first trip. People just seem to be having more and more babies, and it gets more fun, and more chaotic each year. The group started with 5 couples, and 2 kids and now consists of 7 couples and 11 kids. (The circle of chairs around the campfire was massive!!) The age range for the kids was 13 - 2 months. Brynn and Cannon are finally at the age where they can play, and we don't have keep such a careful eye on them the entire time. They were dirty, and unsupervised, and fully loving the entire trip. It was great. I can't wait for next year!

Miniature version of the adults sitting around the campfire...

3 of the kids were not in this picture

Hamming it up for the camera

Enjoying some sun by the river

End of the day bath

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awwwww......megan looks so cute!!!!

~Katherine Krulish