Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Blessing

Our family received the most wonderful surprise in the mail a few days ago. During this season, the kids and I love getting the mail, because of all the Christmas cards, pictures, and newsletters. They love opening the mailbox, and finding all the letters, and I love opening the letters and catching up with all of my friends. We got an unusual letter, with a blurred postmark, and no return address that felt especially heavy. I was excited to open it and expected the possibilities of multiple pictures, or a thick letter from friends. Instead, and to my absolute amazement, was an unsigned Christmas card, with two very generous gift cards inside. What an amazing thing to find! I called Rich, and we both talked about who in the world would think of us for such a great gift. We are completely stumped, and utterly grateful for such a fun and thoughtful anonymous gift. I am still smiling about it! Merry Christmas!!!!

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