Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Happy Holidays

Ok, so I know that there is controversy about the whole "Happy Holidays" vs "Merry Christmas" thing. I went out to dinner with friends a few nights ago, and they were saying that they have to be careful about what they say to people at the workplace. Oh my....I feel sad about it. It is the most joyous time of year, and not because of the presents and holiday bustle. This cartoon made me laugh in a "oh my" sort of way...

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!


Anonymous said...

omg i luv it! its lol halarious. i got sent to the principles office for saying easter. this brings back memories. good times good times. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE(IN THE MIDDLE OF AUGUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)!

Anonymous said...

i used to feel that the little lad on the far right was me - we ended school literally days before christmas (we once broke up on the 22nd December) and have been back at school on the 3rd january!!!