Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Letter 2008

Sit back in your chair, and I’ll tell you a story-
Of the Andre’ family in all of their glory…
2008 started off really nice,
With a week-long vacation in Hawaiian paradise!
In February lots of activities took place,
Indoor soccer, library time, and “mommy and daddy” dates.
March brought us Rich’s 31st birthday
And gymnastics fun filled with tumble and play.
April arrived with our 7th anniversary,
We spent the rest of the month awaiting the arrival of baby #3.
Cannon turned two on my “official” due date,
But Maeve Leanne decided to join us two weeks late.
June was a month of fun summer activity,
But we also lost our dear Omi.
Brynn turned 4 with Tinkerbell fun,
We spent the rest of the month enjoying the hot July sun.
August brought a wedding in the family
And weekend trips in the tent trailer camping!
Brynn started preschool September this year,
She is 4 going on 14, Rich and I fear.
In October our family reaped harvest this year,
Brynn received Christ through a simple prayer.
In November Angie turned 31
With Maeve crawling, and holidays, the month was really fun!
This brings us to December with Christmas activities galore,
I have had another wonderful year with the family I adore!
I hope this letter finds you healthy, happy and full of good cheer,
From the Andre’ family to you, Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year!

1 comment:

Petersen Family said...

Very Enjoyable Angie! I am always a fan of the rhyming poetry with a great message. Nicely done :-)