Thursday, November 24, 2011


Banana waffles, strong coffee with Pumpkin Spice creamer, and the list of things we are grateful for is the PERFECT way to start off this year's Turkey Day!

1. I am thankful that my wife gets to stay home and take care of our house and home - cause she does an amazing job. (Ok - I might have added that last part)
2. I am thankful to have a home
3. I am thankful that I have 4 beautiful kids
4. I am thankful for a beautiful wife (cue stomach butterflies for me)
5. I am thankful that God has no "last straw"

1. My family
2. My home
3. My toys
4. My Daddy
5. My Mom
6. My brother
7. My sister
8. My other brother
9. Treks
10. Legos
11. Clothes
12. The world

1. Mom
2. Dad
3. My sister
4. My brother
5. My dog
6. My home
7. People who love me
8. My toys
9. God
10. Our food
11. Our money
12. My Family

1. My mom and dad
2. And Nolan
3. And we can play with Nolan
4. And also we can, uh, ask mom and daddy if we can have milk
5. And for Treks
6. And my Mommy's toes
7. I'm thankyou for the computer and the plates and ceiling (giggle, giggle, giggle)
8. I'm thankyou for the whole world. Bye.

1. My Orange Blanket
2. Bath time
3. Food & Milk
4. My mommy who holds me - all. the. time.
5. My daddy

1. I am thankful for the quiet of the morning
2. I am thankful that my husband still sees me as beautiful 4 kids and 15 years later
3. I am thankful for God's renewed grace, strength and peace
4. I am thankful for an extended family who shows their love in all different sorts of ways
5. I am thankful for 4 healthy, happy, beautiful kids who still look at me as if I rule the world

Happy Thanksgiving!

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