Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Party

Nolan's birthday was mellow. The kids were off school, so we just hung out, did the regular stuff and enjoyed our time at home.
We woke him up singing Happy Birthday like we do on birthdays for the kids. He was a little surprised, but seemed to enjoy all the attention.
For breakfast we had banana pancakes, and he ate a few bites, and then threw the rest on the floor for the dog.
We had Mickey D's for lunch.
As a treat.
Because I had survived a trip to the pottery studio with 4 kids who like to touch EVERYTHING.
And because I am lazy.
And because it was rainy.
I baked his cake that night, and he actually watched it in the oven.
I hoped it would turn out ok, cause it was healthy, and sometimes that stuff tastes like crap.
Then the hubs and I celebrated Nolan's birthday by putting the kids to bed early, putting on a movie and falling asleep at a decent hour.
It was perfect!

We had his party on Saturday.
I found these cute invites at the Dollar Tree! (I giraffe stuff!)
The weather was "iffy" all week, but ended up being gorgeous. There was tons of food, and an a-maz-ing cake from Elissa.

I always make a "healthy" cake for the kids for their first birthday. This one was pumpkin.

He seemed to enjoy it...until he had a taste of the one that Elissa made and most likely thought "Who are we kidding here? Give me more of that stuff!"

We opened his gifts after he woke up from a stellar 3 hour nap, and he played with his new toys.

Happy Birthday baby boy!

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