Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Dresses, Easter Eggs, and Candy

This is what Easter is all about right? (Can you feel the sarcasm???)
Easter was great this year. We dyed Easter eggs, decorated them with puff paint (huh?), and put them in the fridge to eat for the next couple of days. I don't know if the kids will be heartbroken or excited to crack into their creations.

We started eating candy Sunday morning, and haven't stopped since. The kids were excited about their little Easter baskets, and of course, I had to put in a toothbrush amongst all the sweets!
My mom got me a bag of York Peppermint Patties (my most favorite treat), and its sad to say that most of them are already gone.
We spent the afternoon at Auntie Renee's, where the kids had an Easter egg hunt, we ate tons of good food, and everyone hung around listening to the older generation play their guitars. My nephew found the "golden egg" for like the bazillionth year in a row. (This kid has luck, let me tell you!)
The kids, well 2 out of the 3, fell asleep on the way home, so our evening was actually kind of relaxing! I expected a major sugar high, then a crash, but everyone slept through the night, and we all woke up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning!

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