Saturday, April 04, 2009

Tea Party

I am going through a book called "Practicing Hospitality" and read a chapter a few weeks ago that inspired me to invite some special friends over for an afternoon of "girlie-ness". So, I threw a tea party! We had an fun time of fellowship, laughter and good talks. I went all out. I sent out invites in the mail, did place cards at each seat, after-tea sweets to go home with each person, and a personal letter for everyone to take home. I even made a "real" tea party menu! Almond Chicken Sandwiches, Cucumber Square Sandwiches, Currant White Chocolate Chip Scones with Pear Cream, 'Lady Laura's Tea Party Punch' (which was super yummy!) and freshly brewed Orange Jasmine Tea. I am also pretty proud of how my table scape turned out. I had fun opening up my home, and I am hoping that they had fun sharing tea and lunch with me.

This was the picture on my invite. I love these patches, courtesy of Etsty.

My oh-so-proper cucumber square sandwiches. ("A must for any proper tea party...")

The after-tea sweet iced nuts.

My blue and "shimmery" table scape. Thanks Melody (of Melody White Studios) for taking these pics (and coming to my tea party of course)!


White Family said...

I had the BEST time at your tea party! EVERYTHING was so yummy and looks GREAT! I can't wait for the next one.

RBM said...

Note to self: Mention cucumber sandwiches in next blog...

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are amazing- I thought you got them off the Real Simple website or something.

I choose Real Simple arbitrarily, as I have never actually visited that website.

Regardless, great pictures. And a fun idea.