Wednesday, April 08, 2009

"G" week

I forgot to post this in the midst of all of the things that are going on. We had a really fun G week. I stole a bunch of ideas from Elissa, and combined the day of learning with my hubby's birthday. It was pretty fun!

Rich's birthday gifts from the kids were kites. Last time they flew a kite the tree ate it, and then a neighbor kid stole it. For the safety of these kites, Rich attached them to the arbor for all to enjoy.
We went golfing, and had an absolutely wonderful time!

Cannon has his own way of doing it, of course....

A 'high five' after a good game.

Chains and fences mean nothing to my kids...

The concept of "no hands" didn't really come into play for our game this time.

Maeve was just checking out all the animated parts of the miniature course. She was fascinated with the water falls, and moving windmill.

Hole in One!

Cannon took a picture of me.

Green grass is such a fun place to play,

and twirl, of course.

This sums it up!

Happy Birthday babe!


Heidi said...

Rich looks so young in his letterman jacket!!

Elissa said...

This is funny. Billy was just wearing his lettermans jacket yesterday and I had to remind him he wasnt in highschool anymore. Is this an Andre thing??