Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Happy Anniversary!!!!

We celebrated our 8th anniversary yesterday. Rich planned out a bunch of things for me, and I have to say that I felt absolutely treasured all day! He really put me to shame in all of his prep work. My pathetic card was nothing compared to all this...

He had some friends decorate our car. (To be quite honest, I was way too embarrassed to drive this all around town. I had to "un-decorate" it because I didn't want people to stare at me...) It was a sweet gesture!

Then he had a bunch of balloons blown up to put inside. The champagne and glasses were courtesy of the Schulz family, and that was an unexpected surprise!

He bought us this really cool set of decorative candle holders. I love, love, love the blue and gold bowl!

And then he wrote out a sweet little note, just for me!

We went out to dinner at Johnny Garlics, and then spent the evening watching a movie and snuggling together on the couch.
I can't believe that I have been so lucky to be married to this man for 8 years. He is more than just my husband. He is my best friend, my encourager, my supporter, and the man that I respect with all my heart.
That was then....

This is now! From husband and wife, to a family of 5! Look how far we've come!

Happy Anniversary to us!


Heidi said...

How sweet! Happy Anniversary!!

White Family said...

Happy Anniversary!
You guys are SO cute! I LOVE the bowls that rich picked out!!!