Friday, August 21, 2009

Maeve Update

Its been awhile since I last updated on Maeve and her continued growth and learning. She is such a joy for our family. Her personality is really coming out and in these last few weeks we all feel that she is making a huge effort to communicate with us.
At 15 months, she is the proud owner of 8 teeth. The last two coming in were rough, and once again I am thankful that adults don't have to go through the pain of teething.
She is also walking quite proficiently, and has taken a serious liking to climbing things. I have found her in all sorts of odd places, and although its fun to see, I wonder if she will be my ER child.
She seems to be a bit accident prone as well, (or we are being super neglectful in our watching her) because she has already been stung 2 times by a bee, and 1 time by a yellow jacket. We have had to wipe large chunks of dirt out of her eye (thankfully it wasn't near the pupil part) and a few nights ago had to pin her down, and dig a chunk of redwood bark out of one of the spaces between her front teeth with a toothpick.
We are pretty sure that she has a cow milk intolerance, so she has been drinking tons of rice milk, and not having such wretched (excuse my terminology) poos. A cough that she had for 3 months (started the same time as she started drinking milk) went away too, after we put her on rice milk.
She FINALLY says "Mama", and my heart melts to hear her little voice call for me. Her favorite song right now is the 'Itsy Bitsy Spider', and she will motion for us to sing it for her, and reward us with a huge smile when we do. (We are trained now, you know...) She also signs for 'please', and 'all done', which has been helpful for us.
Yes, I still nurse her. Talk about letting the third get away with whatever they want...I have seen it, but never thought I would be that parent. She still wants to nurse, and so it is still part of our bedtime ritual. I do want to end it soon, especially since she has had a habit lately, of trying to walk off while still attached to me....ouchy.
I had forgotten what it was like having a daddy's girl, and she is definitely living up to that name. She loves daddy, and usually greets him at the door when I tell her that he is home. Daddy absolutely loves it too!

And for the question that usually follows, "So are you guys done?" We don't know. I thought I was done, Rich knows that he isn't. So, I guess we are thinking about it? That's a lot of people to live in our little 1100 square foot home, but I am not going to let something that trivial determine our family status. Time will tell, I guess.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Trust me...nursing at 15 months is totally acceptable and normal. Emily nursed til TWENTY FIVE months if you recall. Sam nursed til 21. Yep.