Wednesday, June 09, 2010

It must be summer....

...because I have Popsicles in my freezer.
...because my laundry load is slightly lightened - due to naked children running around.
...because I have 3 kids at home. All. Day. Long.
...because we are sleeping with windows open.
...because I have flip flop tan lines on my feet.
...because my hubby's neck is super red...and its not sunburned.
...because the smell of the neighbors flowers fill our bedroom at night and make it HEAVENLY!
...because those flowers also send every member of my family (except me) into sneezing fits.
...because we have been camping two times already, and my kids are covered in mosquito bites.
...because we don't eat inside anymore, and if it can't be cooked on the BBQ, I don't cook it.
..and finally...
...because swim lessons have started!

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