Wednesday, August 17, 2011

First Day of School

Tuesday August 16th
9am: Me - not ready for summer to be over
11am: Fighting starts, questions about watching TV, "there is nothing to do..." complaints flying at me right and left
11:30am: Me -ready for summer to end
3pm: Kids - fighting, bickering, causing trouble, etc
3:30pm: Me - praying for patience
6pm: Cannon - immature 30 min temper tantrum over something stupid
6:30pm: Me - "not going to miss this part of having him home"
6:45: Me- trying to salvage the rest of the evening, with a special treat made just for the kids....
8:25pm: All kids in bed, quiet house, and second thoughts about wanting summer to end
8:29pm: Fight breaks out in bedroom, #3 comes out for another ice pack and baby is crying in crib....
8:30pm: Me - ready for summer to be over

Wed August 17th
6am: Me and hubs up and ready to start day
8am: On our way to parking, will walk the path with the cousins instead
8:30am: Prying my daughters hands off of my arm, finger by finger, pushing her into line, and wishing her good luck
8:35am: Introducing Cannon to his new teachers (2 this year), and sitting through a painfully long kindergarten orientation as he showed me every single "station" in his classroom
11:00am: End of day 1 for Cannon
2:35pm: Pick up Brynn with the 3 others in tow
6:00pm: Dinner with the cousins to celebrate the first day of school...and the fact that EVERYONE survived

1 comment:

Elissa said...

I'm so glad they get to do this stuff all together. I love it! Although play dates will definitely still be necessary for them. lol. At least according to Luke and Cannon.