Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Most Perfect Day

We had one of those perfect days on Saturday.
You know the kind?
Where it all seems to go right.
Where the weather is not too hot, and not too cold.
Where there is more laughter than fights.
When the kids are willing to cooperate, and don't complain.
Where there are enough snacks in the cupboard so that there is no negotiating for the "good ones".
Where you find the good deals at the garage sales.
Where you play baseball on the front lawn and frisbee in the street, and everyone has a good time.
Where you get to hold hands with your hubby just because you want to.
Where a dinner that could have been really bad, turns out really, really, good.
And where you get to eat that dinner outside so the spills and dropped food don't matter.
And then after dinner, you get to watch your kids enjoy roasting marshmallows...and eat a few yourself.
A day full of giggles, hugs, play, laughter, and family.
One of those kind of good days.

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