Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Day 7

Can we just say "highs and lows"?

I had a great day Monday. 
Got the kids off to school...on time.
Delivered Maeve to preschool...on time.
Cleaned the house, did the laundry.
I was in "the groove".

Tuesday I did the school drop off, and then took the two littles to the inlaws house, and then did a happy dance to have my first time alone, in almost 5 days. 
Until I got the call from the school that Brynn had just gotten in puked in the trash can in the nurses office.

I picked her up, wiped up her tears, cleaned the puke that had hit the floor, and then went home, and lost it.  Again. For, like, the bazillionth time.

Fast forward 24 hours...cause no one wants to hear about me hovering over her, asking her every 3 seconds if she is ok, if she needs anything, if she feels sick, etc, etc, etc.  I'm a terrible mess with this kind of stuff.  
We seem to be in the clear. Its been 24 hours, no puke, and she is bossing everyone around again, and complaining about homework.  Life is back to normal.

Then we have the opportunity to go see the Asante Choir one last time before they leave the country.  One last hug from the boys who shared our home with us.  One last really long good bye hug.
Abdul was smiling as always. He had heard that I wasn't feeling well, and was sad to not see Rich, but took it in stride, and went to help break down the sound equipment on stage. that's another story.

Patrick.  The quiet one.
The one that wouldn't look us in the eye for awhile.
The one who did the dishes so "vigorously" in the sink that I had to clean food and water off the curtains. 
The one who gave hugs, just for passing by in the hallway. 

He saw me across the courtyard, and brought me his bag, and said, "I'm ready to go now". 
How do you explain to Patrick that he actually can't come home with you?
That since your husband is gone, he can't stay in your house because of the rules.
That he was 10 min from home, but couldn't go there.

So I just gave him a hug.
And he said, "I don't understand. You are here. I am here. We can go now."
And I just hugged him again.
And then he wouldn't let go.

And I held it together.
I asked about Jackie Chan movies.
I asked about Bruce Lee.
I asked about anything I could...just to get to talk to him for a couple more minutes.

And then we had to go.
I waved, had one last sweet hug, gathered my kids, and left.
I looked back one last time. 
He was sitting with the rest of the choir.
He will be fine.
I will miss him like crazy, but he will be fine.

If I could, I'd keep that boy in a heartbeat.

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