Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Facial Injury Month

We have officially dubbed May as "Facial Injury Month" in our house.

Incident #1
We took a bike ride on a Sunday afternoon. All was going perfectly well, until Maeve hit a patch of gravel on the path and flew over her handlebars headfirst.
*Bad Mom Disclaimer*
My first 2 thoughts after I saw her bloody face were
1) crap.  i hope she didn't knock her "good front tooth" out.
2) crap.  i wonder how much stitches cost?

Rich took off to the get the car. Ride was over....
Gravel Road: 1, Maeve: 0

Incident #2
Nolan started shrieking one day while we were out at my parents on their back deck.  Apparently a wasp had landed on his face, and he had been bit, and stung.....
Lip at 2 min:

 Lip at 4 min:

Lip at 10 minutes:
Wasp: 1, Nolan: 0

Incident #3
Remember that rule "don't run with sticks"?
Cannon came home from the beach with this beauty of an eye injury.
Daddy had looked at his eye, but not pulled down the bottom lid to see that there was actually a decent scrape.  I ended up taking him in on this one.  It was a conjunctiva hematoma.  Basically an eyeball bruise.  No treatment needed...

For the record, he wasn't actually running with a stick.  He had "planted the sticks in the sand on a hillside, then fallen on one." 
Right in the eyeball.

Beach stick "planted" in the sand: 1, Cannon: 0

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