It seems like when the husband is home, things in the house go downhill fast. I don't want to spend the time cleaning and picking up and doing all the mundane tasks of daily life. I just want to spend my time with him and the family. I also put off all errands, grocery shopping, etc, so that we can do more family oriented stuff. Well, Rich was off last week, and we went camping, so the house, and my life were in total disarray all last week. When we got back from the lake, we had limited food, and lots of laundry to do. I focused on the laundry, and got pretty creative with our meals. We had pancakes for dinner (minus butter and syrup of course, since those were gone) and then quesadillas made with American cheese (the kind you have to peel out of the wrapper) for the rest of the meals. It was slim pickins.
Needless to say, I had a list of 30 things that I had to do to get this household back in ship shape. Grocery shopping, bread store, bank deposits, returns and exchanges of items purchased, etc.
So today was the big day. I left the house, armed with my returns, and my list of errands which had 10 stops. I grouped them together according to location, and pretty much had a timed schedule to follow. I dropped of the kids a few minutes before nine and had to be back at 1:30. My first stop was the vet, where I received the news that my dogs bad breath was not a result of eating delicious dog food, but due to the excessive amounts of plaque on his teeth. And my day went downhill from there. I dropped the dog off at home, prayed that he would somehow miraculously let me brush his teeth tonight, and headed off for the bank. At the bank, I managed to completely confuse the teller and myself with my deposit. (Aren't they trained to handle people like me?) I still am not sure that it worked out, but I don't know how to figure it out. I then headed for Rincon Valley to do some returns. OK, so I know that driving from our house to the other side of Santa Rosa for less then $10 of merchandise returns sounds ridiculous, but it all fit into my master plan, and at the end of the day, I figured I would have made a little money for myself. Turns out that the 2 items from the Dollar Store (each only a dollar) could only be exchanged, not returned. Next door at the Ace Hardware, the 8 items that I walked into return turned out to be only worth $2, and were purchased LAST YEAR!!! What the heck was I thinking? I asked the clerk, with a bright red face, if we could just forget the whole thing, and they could just keep the little sprinkler thingies because I didn't want to throw them away. Just keep my money AND my returns ok?
Walmart managed to refund my $3.10, and Home Depot gave me a store credit of $11, which I don't feel counts, since I have to use it to buy more stuff from Home Depot. So, after all that, basically driving around for hours, I came home with $3.10. To look on the bright side, my house is less cluttered, the laundry is almost done, and we are having leftovers for dinner tonight....
The Thorn
7 years ago
I love it! It's sooo real life & happens all too frequently...the human race can relate!
Okay that is probably the funniest story ever. I was laughing so hard. I love when I read your blogs and they make me laugh out loud!! Too funny. I'm still laughing. I'm going to read it to my mom. She will definitly get a kick out of this one.
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