Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Letter

T’was two weeks before Christmas and all through the house,
No creature was stirring, except my keyboard and mouse.
The tree and stockings were decorated sloppily,
In hopes that the kids would just leave them be.

The three children had been wrestled down to bed,
With threats of no presents from Santa in their head.
Rich in his slippers, and I in my sweats,
Were going to park ourselves in front of the TV with no regrets.

But then with a gasp, I remembered the Christmas card,
That I had to finish….(let alone start).
I ran to the computer, and dodged all the toys
That had been left out by my two daughters and my little boy.

I stared at the blank screen, not knowing what to write,
How do you sum up a year on a page, late at night?
“Forget about it. It’s late! No one reads them anyway!”
I heard my always supportive husband say.

I thought about our busy year, filled with camping and fun,
About days at the beach, and Maeve turning one.
I thought about Brynn on her first day of school,
And us trading our leaky hot tub for a fun little pool.

I thought of three year old Cannon, who is never far
From one of his beloved trucks, tractors or cars.
I thanked God for a hubby who leaves every day,
To go work at a job so the bills will get paid.

We are healthy, and happy, and joyous this season,
Because God has given us such a good reason.
The year has been full of good times and bad,
Times that made me laugh, and times that made me sad.

So just as I get ready to start,
A sleepy child crawls in my lap and puts his head on my heart.
“Just one more hug and a kiss” is all that they need,
Which I have plenty of, and can give easily.

I tuck him in, and say a quick prayer in my head,
“Lord I am blessed by my kids… but please let them stay in bed”.
And the time for my card is now out of site,
So “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

~ Rich, Angie, Brynn, Cannon and Maeve Andre’~

Photo Courtesy of lanternlitestudio

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