Tuesday, March 16, 2010

St Patty's Day

Brynn's teacher assigned her first project, and Rich and Brynn went to town on it! They had a fun time creating their "Leprechaun Trap".

The gist of the trap is to lure the leprechaun up the ladder, and down the path to the gold coin sitting on the table, under the rainbow. Right as he tries to grab the coin, he will fall through the hole in the floor and be trapped. Good job guys!

*Side note: When I saw this assignment, I quickly handed it to Rich and let him know that he could head this one up! All I can say is ...thank goodness that I didn't have to do it!


Elissa said...

I kinda secretly dreaded this assignment too. LOL!

familyof5 said...

You went off on that project!!!