Wednesday, December 22, 2010

It Figures...

A few days ago, I sat down my youngest son and had a serious talk with him.
Ok, actually, it was in the midst of a diaper change, and since he seemed content to lay there and look cross-eyed at the ceiling, I figured it was as good of time as any to discuss some things.

"Ok Nollie, (my current nickname for him) your first smile is coming soon. You better not just blow it on some random stranger at Target (my current favorite store to shop at since I can buy groceries, cleaning supplies, and EVERYTHING else under the sun....).
Listen here son, I have done the most work thus far to get you here, and I TOTALLY deserve that smile....."

Not more than 2 days later, who does he give not one, but 3 smiles too??? His dad! And who has yet to get a smile out of this little one????? ME!

It figures.....

1 comment:

Jessica said...

LOL I can't stop laughing! That it so sad and funny! Poor thing! Go figure