Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Eggs and Bellyaches

We had a great Easter this year as usual. God supplied a beautiful day full of sunshine and warmth. Rich and I invited my parents and the next door neighbor over for a early morning breakfast before church. We shared a meal, got the kids ready, and headed for church. Everyone had the privilege of hearing Rich's brother preach, and he did an amazing job - as usual.
The church put on a massively huge (11,000) egg hunt, and Brynn did well in gathering herself some loot. Cannon plopped himself down and ate a few pieces of candy (wrapper and all) before we could stop him.
We enjoyed an Easter BBQ at my aunt and uncles, and then after a long day, crashed in bed. It was fun, and such a wonderful time. We are so blessed to have the joy of a risen Saviour.

All the cousins posing for the camera

My happy family

The "bunny" and the kids.

1 comment:

Elissa said...

No fare. You got a way better pic of the kids than I did.