Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

The 25th is Rich's birthday, and although he doesn't want to celebrate too loudly I know that he won't mind me posting this for all to read. He is an amazing father, an amazing husband, and the best friend that a girl could ever ask to be married to. He constantly provides me with what I need to be the woman that I am today. The kids adore him, and he is more than willing to make a fool out of himself to play the silly games that they love. Happy Birthday babe!

From Brynn: Dear daddy love. You are the bestest daddy in the whole world, and I love you. You are the bestest daddy and you come home from work to push me in the swing. Dear daddy love, I love you. I hope you have a happy birthday, love me.

From Cannon: Hi Daddy. Lookit the ball. Happy Birthday.

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