Tuesday, April 01, 2008


I am not a fan of doing laundry. It takes forever, and its a never ending job. Dishes, and the laundry are my least favorite chores. Scratch that - Dishes, laundry and scrubbing toilets are my least favorite jobs. Our washer does a miraculous job of treating our clothes well, saving water (in turn saving us money), and running quietly, but it takes an hour or more to wash 1 load of clothes. Multiply that by 7-8 loads of laundry, and you have yourself a full work day. This is where I get to insert one of those familiar mom comments.

*Sigh* A mothers work is never done....

Cons: takes a long time to do with our high efficiency washing machine
my hired help doesn't wash, fold or put away laundry (HA!)
only mom can seem to wear the same article of clothing twice before its covered in food, dirt, grease, metal shavings or snot

Pros: smell of clean clothes
sense of relief when its done
discovery that Cannon looks good in purple

He looks great in Brynn's jammies!

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