Wednesday, April 16, 2008


You're It!!

Here's something fun for all to do! (As if we all have the time...)

What I was doing 10 years ago:
Going to SSU, dating Rich, trying to decide what to do with my life. Living in my first little ghetto 400 sq foot converted garage apartment, driving a Honda Accord, and working as much as possible in a deli. Taking weekend trips to Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara, camping, spending endless hours watching surf sessions in different places, traveling to Africa, and having a great time!

What I was doing 5 years ago:
Enjoying my 2 years of marriage to Rich, buying a home, and crying because I found out I was pregnant. Working as a teacher for a bunch of rowdy high school kids, and loving it all.

What I was doing 1 year ago:
Getting excited that my time nursing Cannon was almost done. Planning for a great summer of camping, a weekend getaway to Monterey without kids, visiting friends, and enjoying BBQ's. Starting to think about adding another baby to the family. Working on the backyard to kid proof it, and make it beautiful.

What I was doing yesterday:
Hanging out at the doctors office, procrastinating on finishing some projects, failing to take out the chicken to thaw it for dinner, taking a power nap, and going to bible study.

I enjoy:
Working outside in my yard, garage sale-ing, scoring a great deal on something that I can't live without, being with my friends, road trips, summer evenings, and the idea that this baby might be small.

5 TV shows I love:
Lost, Survivor, Heroes, The Office, (I can't think of anything else...)

5 things I hate:
When its so quiet at dinner that you can hear people chew, barf, confrontational people, cleaning the shower or toilets, people that don't find it necessary to RSVP to a party

5 biggest joys in my life:
Christ and the assurance of heaven, Rich, kids, a clean house, and the quiet of an early morning

I tag:
Elissa, Kelly, Jasmin, Kerstin, Melody W., Melody G., Lindsey and Heidi (Basically all my blogger friends...)

1 comment:

Petersen Family said...

This could be more difficult for me than you think! I barely remember what happened last night....10 years ago in Lindsey years is like last year...Although I do remember a lot of insignificant things like the lives of famous people and who they are dating...that has to have some merit, right? Todd says it's my talent.