So, today was my 37 week doc visit. Rich got to join me for this one, so that was fun to hear the heartbeat together and talk with the doc. She gave me the good/bad news that the head isn't engaged yet, and that she could move it around from the outside with her hand.
Good news - labor and delivery aren't close, bad news - labor and delivery aren't close.
She doesn't expect this kid will be bigger than the others, but we have had fun surprises like that before. (Brynn was estimated to be low 7lbs, and popped out 8lbs 11ounces, and Cannon was thought to be in the 8 range and popped out 9lbs 1 oz.) What do those docs know anyways...
I am still measuring small - 34 weeks as opposed to 37 weeks- but this mostly has to do with the muscle tone (or lack there of) of my uterus, length of my torso, my height, etc. Just to be sure, the doc ordered yet another ultrasound. Needless to say, we got to see another shot of this kid inside. This now makes 6 ultrasounds for us. 3 regular, and 3 high tech. What fun!
Standard procedure for the high tech ultrasound requires a full bladder, so when my appt this afternoon was 1/2 hour late, I was hurting. They lost me in the paperwork shuffle, and when I could finally talk to the tech, I told her that I was going to have to pee whether she liked it or not.
She let me go, and all was well again.
Baby is confirmed head down, and measures in the 50th percentile. This means in medical jargon that 50% of babies born will weigh more, and 50% will weigh less. It also means in real life that if all goes well, baby #3 might tip the scales at around 8 lbs. (Thank you Lord!) I have a "great pocket of fluid" which is apparently good and puts me out of any danger/high risk pregnancy status. We also got a great profile shot of the kid, and it looks a lot like the other two did. Cute little upturned nose, and gigantic forehead. The hand was also near the head as if giving us a little wave, "See you all in a couple of weeks or so...."
The Thorn
7 years ago
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