Saturday, July 24, 2010

Little Love Notes

There are occasions that the hubs leaves the house before the rest of us are up, and when he does, he leaves little notes for me and the kids. Its a sweet thing to stumble out into the kitchen bleary-eyed, searching for warm coffee, and see a line of colored post-it notes for us to read and hold onto during the day while he is gone.

These were on the counter the other morning:

Angie -
Thank you for your selfless love. You really give yourself to enable others to succeed. I love you...I can't wait to take you out on our date...I love you.
Love R

Brynn -
What makes you a princess is that you care for people. Your heart is tender and compassionate...Be like your mother.
Love Dad

Cannon -
Real army men protect mommy's and little children. You should be very kind to your sisters today.
Love Dad

Maeve -
Your cuddles, your laugh and your dance. These are what capture my heart.
Love Dad

Couldn't you just melt? He is the BEST!!!!

*Side note - These other love notes might have played a big part in the "current" pregnancy situation....

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