Friday, May 30, 2008

Beach Trip

We took a family trip to the beach today. Rich is almost done with his vacation, and we decided to do something out of the house today. (We also checked out local campgrounds to find one suitable for our family to hang out at if we want to go camping this summer..) The weather was cool, but not unpleasant. The kids had a blast, and Rich took them on a nature walk showing them crabs, sea anemones, and starfish in the tide pools, while I nursed Maeve on the picnic blanket.

Maeve's first beach outing...

Daddy building sandcastles with the kids.

It was all fun and games until Brynn's $1 shovel broke.

Cannon enjoying playing in the sand and dirtiness.

Looking pretty funny in her beanie cap and jammies at the beach.

1 comment:

Kelly Meirik said...

way to go Andre clan- getting out to the ol' beach- I have a hard time gearing up for that trip since it can be like 95 degrees here & oh a whooping 45 degrees there it seems every time I go. I think it's my southern california spoiled-ness. But I love it- so good to be out doing things with a new one.