So, it was officially my last doc appt today. Got good news and bad. Lets go with the bad first, so that we can finish with the good!
Bad News: I have apparently gone from a 2cm to a 1.5 cm dilation. Don't really know how that happens, but that is where we are at. Slightly disheartening, but I have always been slow at this part. Cervix is still really thick (no effacement), and haven't had any other signs of labor starting soon.
Good News: Baby #3 head is way down. Has come down to rest nicely on the top of my still thick cervix. My induction is scheduled for Friday, 8am. There is an end in sight. I was also given a non-stress test, which includes laying down on a bed, listening to the babies heartbeat (perfectly happy child inside of me), monitoring for contractions (none), and checking via ultrasound for pockets of fluid to keep this kid well marinated (plenty for now). While I was in the Labor and Delivery, I was trying to convince the baby that there is a lot of really good stuff here on the outside, and it should really consider giving it a try to see if its worth it. Baby didn't really respond to my pep talk, but maybe some of my worldly wisdom sank in...
I am still hoping to do all this on my bodies time, but at this point its nice to see the finish line, even if I don't know when I am going to get there. I did get to meet the midwife who will probably take my case while I was there, and she was pretty nice so that is comforting.
Anyways, my first prayer is that this happens sooner than Friday. My second is that if I have to wait longer, it will go smoothly and quickly, and the induction will be a great experience.
Hopefully my next post will involve pics of our long awaited arrival!
The Thorn
7 years ago
Thanks for the update. I was asking Heidi about the baby yesterday and she had no idea. It's nice to be able to check on here and get the scoop. We're praying that you can get that baby out soon!
And in case your baby doesn't want to come out before Friday (although we are praying along with you that he or she does), your inducement is on our calendar. : )
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