Tuesday, February 24, 2009

D Week...

I can't think of a better time in our family to have this as our verse of the week:
Matthew 7:12 "Do to others as you would like them do to you". The kids are a little bit stir crazy from the rainy days. They are antsy, irritated to have to stay inside, and in general, just pushing each others buttons as much as possible.
We studied "D" this week, and had some fun with it.

We colored the letter "D", pasted a Dog to paper, and went to the Dog pound to see the different kinds of dogs there.

Although we were supposed to focus on dogs, we ended up in the cat room petting and playing with the cats the whole time.
This one-eyed cat was a sweetheart.

Maeve was going crazy trying to get at all the cats too. Rich had to hold her back for the cats' safety...
After the animal shelter, we went for an afternoon snack of doughnuts. (Any excuse right?)

At the doughnut shop, we avoided a near disaster when Brynn dropped her doughnut on the dirty floor. (Now that is a lot of "D"s.) Thank goodness I could salvage what was left...

Tonight is Date night, but the kids don't really get to participate in this "D" activity. Hooray!

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