Friday, February 13, 2009

Test Drives

We are on the hunt for a car. Each time we go out and do some test drives, we add more and more cars to the list of "this car might work for us". (The list is pretty long, and most of the cars are WAY out of our price range.) What is our price range you ask? Well, as of this point we have saved up $48. Its pretty sad.
Here are the reviews for the 3 cars that we test drove on Tuesday.

Acura MDX

The dealer pointed us towards this beauty. 3rd row seating, leather interior, DVD system with wireless headphones... Pure luxury. Unfortunately it comes with a $18,000 price tag. Fun to drive, and it would work for us, but talk about unrealistic...

Volkswagen Routan

Have you seen these commercials? This car is the PERFECT family minivan (if you like that sort of thing)... It comes with window shades so that too much sun doesn't shine down on my precious fair skinned children. It has a mirror specifically designated to see your kids in the car seats in the back. Automatic door closures. 4 windows that roll down. Even a sunroof. The thing felt HUGE to drive though. It came with an $30,000 price tag. (Who are we kidding here?)

Mazda 5

By far my favorite one! Seats 6 people - uhm - 2 normal size people, and 4 small people! (We even have room for one more...) Drives like a car, and although it is almost as long as the Routan, its far less wide, and a good deal lower to the ground. Here's the kicker. 28 mpg! This one comes in at $20,000. Yeah, kiss that one goodbye!

So, the result? We are no closer to finding a car. Our next mission to the dealership will include driving the Honda Pilot, Odyssey, Subaru Tribeca, Saturn Outlook (again), and any other one that we get pointed to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I rather enjoy my Toyota Sienna :)