Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Brynn's First Ballet "Recital"

Brynn had the opportunity to take ballet at our neighbors house with their two older girls as teachers. The taught the girls a routine, and then at the end of the summer had a little dance recital to show all their hard work. The girls did great. It was very low-key, and Brynn had a great time.

She had a ton of supportive audience....

Doing one of the dances.

So, after the show, Brynn got this little plaque from the girls. It said (past tense, as you can see) "1st Dancer, Brynn". Being the great mom that I am, I was warning Brynn to be very careful and not drop it because it would break. As I attempted to hand it to her, it slipped from MY fingers, hit the ground and shattered. Yeah, I am a horrible mom. Elissa gasped, I just stood there with my mouth open, and Brynn burst into tears. I can't believe that I did that.
I will attempt to glue it, but I probably will never live that one down!


Elissa said...

Yes that was a horrible moment Ang BUT it was a total accident. So sad. The timing of it all made it a tinsey winsey bit funny looking back.

Heidi Jo said...

Ha ha.... oh gosh... that is TERRIBLE!